It is amazing how a great leg massage can perform to the whole body. You will get yourself relieve from stress, back pain and a better blood and lymph flow. Here are a few simple steps absolutely help give those tired hip and legs a massage using the most typical sequence of hand movements.
Front leg massage could be given my getting the person lie down on his or her back with one leg uncovered from the hip straight down. Warm your hands up and take some essential oil as you start out at the shin using your index finger and thumb to massage lightly with very little pressure. Use the effleurage method as you work your way along the leg, increasing pressure somewhat over bigger muscles. Repeat 3 x as you warm the muscle mass and distribute the oil.
선릉안마 kneading motion of petrissage begins because the thigh. You don't have to massage the kneecap area since it is a sensitive area. Work on the internal thigh and continue outrageous of the external thigh. End leading leg massage with 3 x repeated effleurage to cool down and relax the muscles.
Back leg massage starts the same way, only that you are likely to start at the ankle area with exactly the same technique. Be mild as this area is sensitive. Start the calf therapeutic massage using effleurage and work the right path up to underneath of the hips. Stress is increased as you reach the bigger muscles of the thigh and hips area. Work your way along the leg using the same method.
Use the petrissage approach starting at the calf muscle up along the thigh, avoiding the area behind the knee. As you proceed from sensitive area to a more impressive muscle area, use effleurage to keep up with the fluidity of the movement. Work your way down the trunk leg using petrissage. Perform the effleurage 3 x to relax and cool off the muscles.
Do the same for another leg as you deal with the leg that has just been massaged. By using these simple steps to guide you to an excellent massage, your friend or client will without doubt come back for more.